Privacy Notice


As part of our Speech and Language therapy work, we need to handle personal and sensitive data relating to clients and their families.

When you use Core Speech and Language you trust us with your information. This privacy policy is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. We have tried to make it as simple as possible but if you have any questions please contact us. All references to your personal information shall include where applicable the personal information of your child also.

Core Speech and Language holds personal data as part of conducting a professional service. The data follows under the following headings: healthcare records, educational records, clinical records, general administrative records, and financial records.

You are being asked to read the terms of our data collection and processing practices in connection with our Speech and Language therapy work as set out below (“Notice”). To proceed further, you must read this Notice in its entirety and check the I have read the privacy notice box on the enquiry form /or consent page document.


You may contact Carolyn Smith, with any questions relating to this Notice, and in order to exercise your rights (set out in section 7) at


The personal data we collect may include the following:

We may obtain your personal or sensitive data:


Lawful basis for processing:

Under Article 6 of the GDPR, our lawful bases for processing data include:

Core Speech and Language cannot deliver a service to your child without processing their personal information. It is within the legitimate interests of our company and client to process and store their data.

We use the data to:


In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we will endeavour to protect your personal data. We are committed to maintaining the security and confidentiality of your records. Actively implementing security measures to ensure the information is safe. All persons working in and for Core Speech and Language in a professional capacity are briefed on the management, storage and safekeeping of data.

We have technical and organisational security measures in place (as set out below) and invest appropriate resources to protect your personal data from deliberate or accidental manipulation, destruction, loss, misuse, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Wherever possible, we will ensure that our systems, and procure that our third party service providers’ systems, are appropriately secure for processing your personal data, and that the risks of your personal data being unlawfully used, amended, deleted, lost or stolen are minimised.

The personal data that you provide will be retained by us in accordance with applicable laws. However, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify personal data we hold, in accordance with our internal data retention policies and our legal obligations, if it is no longer needed for the purposes set out in section 4 above, including if you no longer have an active and on-going relationship with us. In general, this means that we will only hold your personal information for the relevant limitation period – i.e. the amount of time within which you can bring claims against us arising from our relationship.

How we keep your information secure: 


Core speech and Language keep both physical and electronic records of clinical data to provide a service.

You have the option to withdraw consent at any time.

Financial Data

Section 886 of the direct tax act states that the Revenue Commissioners require that the records to be retained for a minimum of 6 years after the completion of the transactions, acts or operations to which they relate.

How and when we gain consent

Should a client wish to withdraw their consent for data to be processed they can do this by contacting Core Speech and Language at carolyn@corespeechand


Right to access personal information

You have a right to request that we provide you with a copy of your personal information that we hold and you have the right to be informed of; (a) the source of your personal information; (b) the purposes, legal basis and methods of processing; (c) the data controller’s identity; and (d) the entities or categories of entities to whom your personal information may be transferred.

Right to rectify or erase personal information

You have a right to request that we rectify inaccurate personal information. We may seek to verify the accuracy of the personal information before rectifying it. We rely on you to ensure that your personal information is complete, accurate and current. Please do inform us promptly of any changes to or inaccuracies to your personal information using the contact details above. You can also request that we erase your personal information in limited circumstances where:

We are not required to comply with your request to erase personal information if the processing of your personal information is necessary:

Right to restrict the processing of your personal information

You can ask us to restrict your personal information, but only where:

We can continue to use your personal information following a request for restriction, where:

Right to transfer your personal information

You can ask us to provide your personal information to you in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format, or you can ask to have it transferred directly to another data controller, but in each case only where:

Right to object to the processing of your personal information

You can object to any processing of your personal information which has our legitimate interests as its legal basis, if you believe your fundamental rights and freedoms outweigh our legitimate interests.

If you raise an objection, we have an opportunity to demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate interests which override your rights and freedoms.

Right to object to how we use your personal information for direct marketing purposes

You can request that we change the manner in which we contact you for marketing purposes.

You can request that we do not transfer your personal information to unaffiliated third parties for the purposes of direct marketing or any other purposes.

Right to obtain a copy of personal information safeguards used for transfers outside your jurisdiction

You can ask to obtain a copy of, or reference to, the safeguards under which your (or your child’s) personal information is transferred outside of the European Union.

We may redact data transfer agreements to protect commercial terms.

Right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority

You have a right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority if you have concerns about how we are processing your (or your child’s) personal information.

We ask that you please attempt to resolve any issues with us first, although you have a right to contact your supervisory authority at any time. 

You have the right to give directives relating to your digital legacy after your death.

You have the right to register on the relevant national phone solicitation opt-out list.

We may ask you for additional information to confirm your identity and for security purposes, before disclosing the personal information requested to you. We reserve the right to charge a fee where permitted by law, for instance if your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.

You can exercise your rights by contacting us (see section 2 of this Notice above), with subject heading “Exercise of Data Subject Right(s)”. Subject to legal and other permissible considerations, we will make every reasonable effort to honour your request promptly or inform you if we require further information in order to fulfil your request. 

We may not always be able to fully address your request, for example if it would impact the duty of confidentiality we owe to others, or if we are legally entitled to deal with the request in a different way.

Core Speech and Language is registered with the ICO, their reference number is ZA516392



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Any changes we make to our Notice in future will be posted here on our website. We encourage you to check this link whenever you use the website for any updates or changes.

We hope you find this document helpful. If your questions have not been answered please contact Carolyn Smith data controller at  for further information.

ICO number ZA516392

Version as at April 2019