Useful Links

We’ve provided these links to organisations that we know offer great advice, support and resources. We’re not responsible for the content on their sites or affiliated to them in any way.

Words for life

‘Words for Life’ is a website by the National Literacy Trust and is designed for parents. There is information about language and communication development with tips and activity ideas for children aged 0-11.



Afasic offer support and advice to parents of children and practitioners who work with children who have speech, language and communication needs.


Talk to your baby

‘Talk to Your Baby’ is a campaign run by the National Literacy Trust. There is useful information and advice about children aged 0-3 years, for parents and practitioners.


BBC Tiny People

BBC Tiny People is a great tool to help you develop your child’s language skills. Explore their simple activities and play ideas and find out about babies and toddlers’ amazing early development.